On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Gustavo Cochet: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Gustavo Cochet Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Automotive Parking - 84m - - private access Gustavo Cochet, 1831 Parking - 329m - - La Arbolada - private access - supervised Parking - 163m - - Neumáticos La Fe - no fee - supervised Gustavo Cochet, 1760 Opening hours: 24/7 Parking - 184m - - private access San José Parking - 357m - - Funes Combustibles SRL - public access - no fee Avenida Córdoba, 1201 Parking - 389m - - Funes Combustibles SRL - public access - no fee Avenida Córdoba, 1201 Parking - 388m - - Funes Combustibles SRL - public access - no fee Avenida Córdoba, 1201 Car Repair - 147mLubricentro Santa Fe Avenida Santa Fe, 1230 Car Repair - 365mMecánica Tony Tucumán Car Repair - 309mNeumáticos La Fe Avenida Córdoba, 1112 Phone: +54 341 493-7400 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-19:00; Sa 08:00-18:00 Car Repair - 295mTaller Ángel Catamarca Car Repair - 155mNeumáticos La Fe Gustavo Cochet, 1760 Phone: +54 341 493-2199 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-18:00; Sa 08:00-13:00; Su,PH off Car Wash - 348mEspacio Sí Presidente Perón, 1898 Lavado de autos y bar. También servicios para bicis. Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:00 Gas station - 374mYPF - Funes Combustibles SRL Avenida Córdoba, 1201 S2132 Funes Opening hours: 24/7 motorcycle parking - 547m - - Tierra Chica - no fee Avenida Córdoba, 972 Opening hours: 24/7Shopping garden centre - 324mMisión del Alma Avenida Córdoba, 1195 garden centre - 324mGarden Life Presidente Perón, 1945 Mall - 548mTierra Chica Avenida Córdoba, 962 Hardware Store - 275mSanitarios & Repuestos González Presidente Perón, 1923 Phone: +54 341 231-0599 Materiales y cañerias para gas y agua. Hardware Store - 331mDistribuidora Sanitaria Avenida Córdoba, 1189 Phone: +54 341 493-0775 Hardware Store - 310mEl Paraguayo Presidente Perón, 1922 Phone: +54 341 493-2275 deli shop - 97mLa Churrería Gustavo Cochet, 1942 deli shop - 319mFiambrería Córdoba Avenida Córdoba, 1189 deli shop - 277mLa Fiambrería Gustavo Cochet, 2079 Phone: +54 341 493-7710 Clothes shop - 170mAlerce Gustavo Cochet, 1799 Clothes shop - 270mLB Gustavo Cochet, 2087 Phone: +54 341 493-3130 Clothes shop - 347mFree Time Avenida Santa Fe, 1348 Phone: +54 341 493-0128 Clothes shop - 322mFunes Outlet Avenida Córdoba, 1214 Clothes shop - 295mInvernes Catamarca Clothes shop - 295mMaría Lupe Avenida Santa Fe, 1300 Clothes shop - 394mIndia Tucumán, 2099 Clothes shop - 279mEben Ezer Boutique Presidente Perón, 1399 Ropa femenina y accesorios Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-13:00,17:00-20:00 Clothes shop - 358mUmara Presidente Perón, 1989 Clothes shop - 312mAula Presidente Perón, 1945 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-12:30, 16:30-20:15; Sa 09:30-13:00, 17:00-20:15 Clothes shop - 359mEl Vestidor de Flor Presidente Perón, 1989 Clothes shop - 330mSport-Time Presidente Perón, 1989 Clothes shop - 368mTitanium San José, 1369 Clothes shop - 258mAsunción Gustavo Cochet, 2081 Clothes shop - 260mTienda Mónica San José Clothes shop - 275mEben Ezer Presidente Perón, 1923 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-13:00,17:00-20:00 Convenience shop - 254mBárbara Tomás de la Torre Convenience shop - 310mFiambrería El Gringo Presidente Perón, 1922 Convenience shop - 369mFunes Combustibles SRL - Posta de Ávila S.A. Avenida Córdoba, 1201 Opening hours: 24/7 Convenience shop - 281mEstilo Campo Presidente Perón, 1945 Phone: +54 11 6 679-0920 estate agent - 270mInmobiliaria Mateos Avenida Santa Fe, 1090 estate agent - 291mInmobiliaria Carlos Avenida Córdoba, 1124 Phone: +54 341 493-3529 estate agent - 337mBorsatto Inmobiliaria Avenida Córdoba, 1244 Mobile Phones - 300mOrange Avenida Córdoba, 1163 Bakery - 65mLa Nueva Suiza Gustavo Cochet, 1833 Phone: +54 341 493-2041; +54 341 470-7244 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 07:00-22:00; Su 07:00-14:00,16:00-22:00 Bakery - 310mLa Panadería de Funes Avenida Córdoba, 1200 Hairdresser - 86m - Gustavo Cochet, 1916 Hairdresser - 387mWalter Gabriel Tucumán, 2076 2132 Phone: +54 9 341 650-6000 Hairdresser - 286mHector|Gabriel Avenida Santa Fe, 1300 Hairdresser - 275m - Avenida Santa Fe, 1088 food shop - 360mRosa Rossa Avenida Santa Fe, 1360 Furniture - 332mElementos Funes Avenida Córdoba, 1244 Phone: +54 341 231-1234; +54 9 341 360-1530 Furniture - 370mEstilo Funes Avenida Córdoba, 1280 Phone: +54 9 341 515-7002 Furniture - 350mAlmacén de Funes Avenida Córdoba, 1254 trade shop - 530mCerámicos Norte Avenida Córdoba, 972 Phone: +54 341 493-0099 Local 1, 16, 17 y 28 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-13:00,16:00-19:00; Sa 09:00-13:00 paint shop - 332mCañada Pinturería Avenida Córdoba, 1244 paint shop - 384mColibrí Pinturería Avenida Córdoba, 1290 Grocery - 325mMundo frutal Avenida Córdoba, 1189 Phone: +54 341 231-0660 Grocery - 388mLa difunta Correa Presidente Perón, 1998 Grocery - 397mFrutería 3 Soles Avenida Córdoba, 2099 variety store - 249mLo de Vic Gustavo Cochet, 2071 laundry - 214mLavandería Full Time Gustavo Cochet, 2035 Phone: +54 341 231-0560; +54 9 341 660-1438 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-15:00; Sa 09:00-12:30 Confectionery - 409mGolosinas San José San José Medical supply - 284mEl Carretel Avenida Santa Fe, 1082 pet shop - 107mCedivet Gustavo Cochet, 1942 S2132 Phone: +54 9 341 569-8726 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-12:00; PH,Su off Butchery - 196mYiyi II Gustavo Cochet, 2031 Phone: +54 341 231-2070; +54 9 341 611-8677 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 08:00-13:00,17:30-20:30; Su 09:00-13:00 Butchery - 203mCarnes Argentinas Avenida Santa Fe Butchery - 336mLos 9 Soles Presidente Perón, 1966 Pollería y verdulería Chemist - 458mLimpieza Oeste Presidente Perón, 1399 toys shop - 435mLa Casita Encantada Presidente Perón, 1733 beauty shop - 188mFiorella Avenida Santa Fe, 1139 Phone: +54 341 493-7444 Opening hours: Tu-Th 08:00-13:00,16:00-21:00; Fr,Sa 08:00-21:00 beauty shop - 335mEstética Nora Oblinsky Avenida Santa Fe, 1358 beauty shop - 383mVitalis Tucumán, 2393 Computers shop - 201mFloppy New Gustavo Cochet, 2033 Phone: +54 341 231-1005; +54 9 341 599-1274 Tienda de Videojuegos y Accesorios. Opening hours: Mo-Th 08:00-20:00; Fr 08:00-24:00; Sa 08:00-24:00; Su 00:00-01:00,08:30-20:00 Computers shop - 352mJae Presidente Perón, 1989 Phone: +54 9 341 515-5740 Venta de insumos electrónicos y servicio técnico Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-13:00, 16:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-13:00 Computers shop - 288mMoresi Informática San José, 1326 Reparación de PCs y aparatos eléctricos shop-vacant - 219m - Gustavo Cochet, 2035 motorcycle shop - 494m - Presidente Perón, 1720 Local 1 y 2 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-13:00,15:00-19:00 outdoor shop - 547mTitanium Funes Avenida Córdoba, 972 Local 20, 25 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-13:00,16:00-20:00 interior decoration - 20mStyle Artística Gustavo Cochet, 1895 Local 3 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-12:30, 16:30-19:00; Sa 09:00-13:00 copyshop - 104mDesignSG Gustavo Cochet, 1942 S2132 Rotulación & Impresión copyshop - 370mComplott Avenida Santa Fe, 1398 copyshop - 280mFuturo Impresiones San José, 1300 Gifts shop - 341mGaia Avenida Santa Fe, 1358 Gaia Tienda Holística Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-12:30,17:00-20:00 fabric shop - 360mArtesana San José, 1353 Telas artesanales Bicycles - 183mNonino Avenida Santa Fe, 1172 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-12:00,16:00-19:00 Bicycles - 375mEl Correntino Presidente Perón Optician - 366mNeovisión Presidente Perón, 1398 Shoes - 535mEstilo Urbano Men Avenida Santa Fe, 1492 bags shop - 306mIndia Presidente Perón, 1945 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-13:00, 16:30-20:30 Lottery - 286mAgencia 03 Presidente Perón, 1923 Bookstore - 371mLa Cultura San José, 1367 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-12:00,16:30-19:30; Sa 09:00-12:30,17:00-19:00 Seafood - 295mLa Pescadería San José, 1326 Newsagent - 277m - Gustavo Cochet farm shop - 298mA La Mesa Avenida Córdoba, 1195 Car shop - 350m - San José, 1353 tattoo - 383mSamu Tattoo Avenida Córdoba, 1229 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 19:30-20:00 Supermarket - 639mVea Avenida Córdoba, 972 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-21:30; Sa 08:00-22:00; Su 09:00-21:00 Sports Shop - 428mCentro Deportes Avenida Córdoba, 1267 car parts shop - 506mEmanuel Príncipe Pedro A. Ríos Kiosk - 131m - Catamarca, 1866 Florist - 352mEl Edén Presidente Perón, 1966 Phone: +54 9 341 599-2463 Caramuto baby goods shop - 155mPañalera Barquitos Catamarca, 1844 Alcohol - 159mPerfect Wine Tucumán, 1867 Phone: +54 9 341 712-3809 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-13:00, 17:30-21:00; Su 10:00-13:00 Stationery - 167mLa Esquina Catamarca, 1900Recreation and Sports Basketball - 494m - Avenida Bernardo Houssay Multi-Sport - 114mClub Social y Deportivo Industrial Gustavo Cochet, 1955 Phone: +54 341 493-6366 Multi-Sport - 302m - Swimming - 381m - Presidente Perón, 1723 beachvolleyball - 667m - Mariano Moreno fitness - 133mCalma Pilates Catamarca, 1866 S2132 Phone: +54 9 341 500-1660 fitness - 390m - - Municipalidad de Funes - public access Catamarca, 2101 Incluye el fortalecedor de piernas, bamboleo de cintura doble, barras paralelas, estación de flexiones, banco abdominal mixto y un caminador simple. Opening hours: 24/7 fitness - 295mPrisma Cross Funes San José, 1346 Phone: +54 9 341 644-5589 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-12:00,14:00-21:00; Sa 10:00-12:30 Boules - 121m - Gustavo Cochet, 1955 Tennis - 407m -Other office-it - 150mCablevisión Funes San José studio - 26mRadio Uno Funes 94.7 FM Gustavo Cochet, 1873 Phone: +54 341 231-0947 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-17:00 studio - 159mRadio Uno Funes San José, 1169 Phone: +54 341 493-2839 Frecuencia FM 94.7 studio - 150mCablevisión Funes San José sport-soccer;basketball;futsal;volleyball;handball - 122m - - Club Social y Deportivo Industrial Gustavo Cochet, 1955 Alquiler cancha piso flotante - Vestuarios - Futbol - Voley - Handball - parrilleros - Servicio de cantinas Ice Cream - 291mGrido Express - Grido Avenida Córdoba, 1195 Phone: +54 341 493-0555 office-estate_agent - 75mCerro Propiedades Gustavo Cochet, 1912 Phone: +54 341 231-0844; +54 9 341 687-8212 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-13:00,16:00-19:00 office-estate_agent - 337mBorsatto Inmobiliaria Avenida Córdoba, 1244 office-estate_agent - 291mInmobiliaria Carlos Avenida Córdoba, 1124 Phone: +54 341 493-3529 office-estate_agent - 270mInmobiliaria Mateos Avenida Santa Fe, 1090 shop-security - 390mServimas Matafuegos Avenida Córdoba, 1229 Phone: +54 9 341 267-8925 Recarga de matafuegos y accesorios de seguridad vial Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-12:30,17:00-20:00; Su 08:00-12:30 office-insurance - 142mSan Cristobal Seguros - H. Meneguzzi Tucumán, 1905 Phone: +54 341 493-1618; +54 341 493-1931 Seguros Patrimoniales y Vida. Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-13:00,15:00-18:00 office-insurance - 258mLa Segunda Avenida Córdoba, 1154 events_venue - 102mIndustrial Kids - Club Social y Deportivo Industrial Gustavo Cochet, 1955 Fiestas infantiles y eventos events_venue - 309mLa Arbolada Catamarca, 1901 shop-health_food - 264mLa Tienda del Celíaco Gustavo Cochet, 2083 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-13:00,17:30-20:00; Sa 10:00-13:00; Su 17:30-20:00 shop-health_food - 354mDietética Cascanueces Avenida Santa Fe, 1360 Dietética Veterinary - 360mMascotas del Oeste Avenida Córdoba, 1280 office-company - 470mEmpresa Provincial de la Energía Mariano Moreno, 1865 Phone: +54 341 493-3030; +800 777-4444 office-lawyer - 560mEstudio Esteban Calvo - Calvo Esteban Mariano Moreno, 1789 office-accountant - 428mTournier & Giffi Presidente Perón, 2008 Phone: +54 341 493-7747 Estudio contable, laboral, impositivo y jurídico shop-frozen_food - 135mTiernis Argentina Gustavo Cochet, 1991 language schools - 30mAmerigo Vespucci 1180, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento office-advertising_agency - 104mDesignSG Gustavo Cochet, 1942 S2132 Rotulación & Impresión office-advertising_agency - 370mComplott Avenida Santa Fe, 1398 music schools - 111mFunes Art Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, 1272 Phone: +54 9 341 561-6287 Escuela de música Opening hours: Mo 15:00-20:00; Tu-Fr 09:00-12:30,15:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-12:30 shop-party - 16m - Gustavo Cochet, 1895 Local 2 sport-taekwondo - 89mLos Tigres Gustavo Cochet, 1955 office-physician - 542mOftalmo Funes Avenida Santa Fe, 1498 Phone: +54 9 341 613-5139;+54 9 341 272-0902 shop-games - 51mMinuto Cero Gustavo Cochet, 1847 Venta y alquiler de juegos. shop-energy - 563mSux Solar Avenida Córdoba, 972 Phone: +54 341 231-0811 Local 4 y 13;Local 5 y 12 Toilets - 106m - Gustavo Cochet, 1955 Toilets - 369m - - Posta de Ávila S.A. - no fee Avenida Córdoba, 1201 office-yes - 537m - Avenida Córdoba, 972 Oficina 14 shop-flooring - 525mLa casa del Cerámico Avenida Córdoba, 1321 internet cafe - 194mCiber Trix Avenida Santa Fe S2132 Shelter - 169m - Tucumán, 1898 compressed_air - 173m - - La Fe - fee Gustavo Cochet compressed_air - 176m - - Nonino - no fee Avenida Santa Fe, 1172 compressed_air - 386m - - Funes Combustibles SRL - fee Avenida Córdoba, 1201 sport-yoga - 557mYogui Mariano Moreno, 1789 S2132 office-notary - 80m - - Janina Peyrano Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, 1221 S2132 Phone: +54 341 493-7813 office-notary - 267mEscribanía Peyrano Avenida Santa Fe, 1300 Motorcycle repair - 323mDiego Stabile Tucumán, 1715 S2132 office-architect - 166mAlí Nafdaf y Asociados Avenida Santa Fe, 1265 Phone: +54 9 341 335-1282 shop-wholesale - 449mDistribuidora El Carpio San José, 1431 shop-locksmith - 330mCerrajería Centro 3 Presidente Perón, 1966 payment_centre - 508mPago Fácil - Autoservicio Iván Presidente Perón, 2070 S2132 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 16:30-20:00 government offices - 190mAnses Catamarca, 1934 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 07:30-13:30 dojo - 89mLos Tigres Gustavo Cochet, 1955 Waste Basket - 700m - Mariano Moreno shop-lighting - 229mEnergy Funes Avenida Santa Fe, 1100 Phone: +54 341 394-1161 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-12:00,16:30-19:30; Sa 08:00-12:30 office-consulting - 204mSuperinspect Avenida Santa Fe, 1146 Phone: +54 341 231-0124 Charging Station - 524mSux Solar SRL - public access - no fee Avenida Córdoba, 972 Opening hours: 24/7 conference_centre - 565m - Avenida Córdoba, 972 Auditorio shop-agrarian - 558mCompañía Dab Avenida Córdoba, 972 S2132 Oficina 18 office-logistics - 551mLGB Logistics & Global Business Avenida Córdoba, 972 S2132 Phone: +54 341 231-1115; +54 341 351-4741 Oficina 17 coworking_space - 548m - Avenida Córdoba, 972 Oficina 12 office-telecommunication - 575mA&T Computers Avenida Córdoba, 972 S2132 Phone: +54 341 493-0848 Oficina 9-11 shop-cheese - 83mFunes Todo Quesos Gustavo Cochet, 1831 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 08:30-12:30 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Gustavo Cochet